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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.


  The summer travel tsunami is upon us.  Is your organization prepared for the risks that your employees face out on the road? Employees traveling on business may need help if they become ill, injured or concerned for their safety.  Protection can even cover personal travel (limited).  Coverage no matter where they are and the cost can be as low as $15 per employee.  It's...

Easter closing

Our offices will be closing at 1:30 today to allow employees additional time with their families over the holiday.  Best wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday!...

Local business suffers latest cyber loss.

Local business suffers $250,000 loss from cyber attack.  See the following link for local news coverage.   GALA Hispanic Theatre Looses $250k! Insure your enterprise before you suffer the same fate!  Stay out of the news.   Cyber insurance is inexpensive and an invaluable addition to your risk management program!...


The news cycle is overrun with stories about the impact of AI on all our lives and that includes our businesses.  Here's a nice short article from one of our insurers to help you understand the impact....

What is Ransomware, who is Lockbit and why you should worry. Click here for important information!

Understanding Ransomware...